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This 2 ingredient chia jam is so quick & healthy and works with other berries and fruit too. We serve it on its own, on toast, on/in pastry, on yogurt, anywhere you like really.

Mixed Berry Chia Jam

Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 cup


  • 1 blender


  • 2 cups /250g mixed/dark berries (frozen or fresh; any other berry works here)
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds


  • Heat the berries in a pan over medium heat till the juices release from the fruit and go nice and bubbly, and the larger fruits like cherries or blackberries are breakable with a spatula
  • Allow to cool then add all the berries and juice to the blender and blend till smooth
  • Add to a container or glass jar then add the chia seeds and stir in to combine.
  • Pop in the fridge to set. This will thicken as it cools


Store in the fridge and use within 5 days.

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